Introducing...Miss Pug!

This blog will be ala Weddingbee style where the blogger is known by an icon. A while back, they had a post on characters remaining for new "bees", and I instantly knew what I would be...Miss Pug (after my dear furbaby)!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Signed, Sealed, Delivered!

After months of planning the design, hours of printing, days of assembling, and double-triple-quadruple checking the guestlist, our invitations are finally complete!  We were aiming to send out invites the first week of December to beat the holiday rush.  We're a little behind schedule, but not bad overall.

Now let me preface this by saying that I am a huge dork.  My dad works at the post office, and he could have easily taken it in to drop it off for me, BUT I just had to get a picture of myself at the post office with the invitations.

In fact, the picture you see of me dropping the invitations in the mail slot is posed and I never actually dropped them in.

You see, being the anal detail-oriented bride that I am, I wanted to get my invitations hand-canceled to avoid the ugly bar codes on the envelopes and lessen the risk of being mangled by a machine.

I consulted with my own personal postman and he was able to get my invitations hand-canceled for me.  Here I am at the post office handing off my invitations to my favorite postman.

They are out of my hands now, and I can cross off a huge item on my checklist.  Now I just need to wait for the RSVPs to come rolling in!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, plus cuz the post office gets habut if you put hundreds of pieces of mail in the slot... even if they're all already hand-canceled. I learned that the hard way when I was mailing ours.
