Introducing...Miss Pug!

This blog will be ala Weddingbee style where the blogger is known by an icon. A while back, they had a post on characters remaining for new "bees", and I instantly knew what I would be...Miss Pug (after my dear furbaby)!

Monday, January 4, 2010

RSVP Regrets

Overall, I am very happy with my DIY invitations.  The one area I wish I had spent a little more time planning was the RSVP card.  My RSVP card was very frills.  A quick reminder:

If I could do it all over again, however, there are a few things I would change.

1) Instead of "will attend"/"will not attend," I would say "number attending"/"number not attending."  I had actually planned on doing this, but was in such a rush to get these printed that I forgot.  I was more worried about the "respond by" date.

2) Instead of the "M____________," I would use "Name(s) of Guests Attending."  Most people knew how to fill in the blank, but there were a few instances where the responder only wrote in their own name and didn't name the guest or other attendees.

3) Since we are having a seated dinner, I would include a place where guests could specify if they preferred a vegetarian option or kid's meal.  Our venue only allows for one meal option, so I did not include meal options on the RSVP.  However, I learned that they do provide vegetarian or kids meals upon request in addition to our chosen entree.  Since it is not on the response card, I am asking people individually if I think it will affect them (if they have kids or I know they don't eat meat), but there may be some guests who prefer no meat that I didn't know about.

Other than those small items, RSVPs have gone smoothly.  They've slowed down a bit, and I am anxious to get them all in so that I can get a final count and start on the table arrangements.  I've only gotten about half of the RSVP cards in, and they are due in less than a week.  Looks like I'll be making some phone calls next week...


  1. Hi there! It's Mrs. Penguin from Weddingbee :) I stumbled upon your blog because I have a google alert for Weddingbee... I love all your details and hope you're still planning on applying to be a bee in the near future! I just wanted to see if it was ok for you to refrain from using the Miss Pug icon on your blog... the icon is copyrighted by the artist. Hope that's ok, and you're always free to email me questions at cathy at weddingbee dot com!

    Hope to see you buzzing about the hive! :)

  2. Yeah, we had a lot of people that sent in RSVP cards with the stuff filled out wrong. People who wrote 0 of 2 guests attending but then put a X where it said "will attend." Truthfully, when we were making our cards, I thought it the wording was cumbersome, but then figured that enough people have attended weddings that they'd know what to write. It mostly worked itself out in the end though.

    I thought yours was pretty clear!
